A Mythical Steed Named Pfeffingen
2017 Pfeffingen Scheurebe
Normal price: $29. (See here, e.g.)
Our price?
Only $20 on 1! Buy here!
Only $18 for 6! Buy here!
Only $16 on 12! Buy here!
TL; DR: Yes, Virginia: unicorns are real! It's high time your tried your first Scheurebe ('shoy-ray-beh')— a grape described by legendary wine importer Terry Theise as "like Riesling, after it read the Kama Sutra" — so why not start with Pfeffingen, one of the very best? (Want one more reason? How about getting it at 45% off its regular price!!!)
"Unicorn wines:" the term of choice these days for somms and would-be Instasomms™ alike for the envy-inducing cult bottle no one can actually get.
But – almost 400 years ago? Emperor Ferdinand II anointed the very first unicorn wine: Pfeffingen. A winery so beloved by Ferdie's imperial self, he conferred them their very own coat of arms, replete with mythical unicorn, in 1622... 388 years before the first Instagram post!
And, well – maybe there's a reason there's a unicorn on this label. First? It's the oft-praised-but-all-too-rarely-caught-in-the-wild Scheurebe grape! Second? It's still made by the producer who's still thought to be the grape's single greatest master: Pfeffingen. (Gezundheit!)
Get into the Shoy Sauce
A tiny producer in Germany's Pfalz region, Pfeffingen has been counted among the best wineries in Germany for years. Four generations of the Eymael and Fuhrmann families live and work together at the gorgeous, four-century-old estate situated on the Deutsche Weinstrasse, or German Wine Road. While the vineyards and growing conditions at Pfeffingen are optimal for the “king of white wine varietals” – Riesling, duh! – the grape they cite as their own house specialty? Scheurebe.
Who needs Scheurebe? Well, the man who's "only" the most famous American drinker of German white wines in our time, Terry Theise, once averred:
“I don’t drink Riesling all the time... though I’d hardly mind doing so! But there are occasions when more pagan pleasures are called for, and that’s when I summon my guiltiest of wine pleasures: Scheurebe.
"Scheurebe ('shoy-ray-beh'), often shortened to ‘Scheu,’ is Riesling just after it read the Kama Sutra. If Riesling expresses all that is Noble and Good, Scheu offers all that is Dirty and Fun. It's Riesling’s evil, lascivious twin.”
And if Scheu (aka, 'shoy') is wrong? We don't want to be right! Pfeffingen's Scheurebe is bone-dry in style... but unmistakably rich, with aromas of kaffir lime and herbs, followed by bursts of lychee fruit and white peach gummies on the palate.
Not for the tropicophobic, this is a dry, aromatic white that will blow the minds of: a) anyone who likes easting spicy Thai food on a midsummer night; b) anyone who loves dry Riesling and also the scent of a great Gewürz, c) foodies who love having bottles on hand to pair with supposed unpairables [asparagus! artichokes! et so many al.], and d) anyone who's ready, finally, to begin living a little after a long f@#$ing year!
Unicorn playground... or Pfeffingen estate?
Nervous about words you've never seen before, and wanna try one first? Go for it! (When you come back to case up, we'll retro-discount that first bottle of yours!)
Trust us, and know better than to look a gift unicorn in the mouth? Case up immediately, and get one of Germany's most esteemed aromatic dry white wines... at 45% off the usual price!
2017 Pfeffingen Scheurebe
Normally $29. But our price?
Only $20 on 1! Buy here!
Only $18 for 6! Buy here!
Only $16 on 12! Buy here!