Book signing and reading with Frieda Hoffman @ Elmwood June 11th - Vintage Berkeley

Come meet Berkeley-based author Frieda Hoffman from 2-4 PM this Saturday, 6/11, for a reading and signing of her new book, Carry Me: a book of real stories about pregnancy loss from real women. 


Carry Me explores universal themes of grief, bearing witness, transforming adversity into opportunity, and the paradox of feeling alone while sharing a common experience. 


Carry Me couldn't come at a more critical time. With the imminent overturning of Roe v. Wade, we must bring awareness and compassion to the experiences of pregnancy release that do not end in a happy birth – miscarriage, stillbirth and abortion – and normalize the dialogue around reproductive grief. Nearly everyone knows someone affected by pregnancy loss (it's estimated that 1 in 3 pregnancies end in loss while 1 in 4 women have had an abortion), yet this serious health issue goes wildly under-discussed. Frieda Hoffman's book represents, astonishingly, one of the only books to tackle this subject, and it's a great one!


From 2 - 4 PM: come on time to commence with a tasting of 4+ wines as we meet and greet the author and our old friend Frieda; then we'll settle into a book reading, discussion, and signing! Feel free to purchase a book here in advance. (No purchase necessary, but $5 tasting fee will be waived for all book purchasers!)